Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines

I want to share my day with you.
Here is my waking, the bright sunshine, the revelatory dreams, the sweet longing for God and the dear knowing that he's near.
Here, the delight of a friend's voice as my alarm, and the warmth of my dog companion as I nestle just a minute longer under covers.
Here: the indulgence of sleeping in and not having any real responsibilities.
I want to share deep meditations, beautiful snow, long walks, tenderness with mother, easeful train rides;
new visions of the empire state building,
remembering my favorite restaurant,
eating there with my friend,
drinking tea,
seeing God in her,
experiencing wisdom in myself.

Here is Macy's on this holiday of love, all 9 floors of it, and someone else's memories of the comforts of old department stores.

Here: singing loud and in harmony on the streets of Manhattan.
Here: the sounds of each other's voices whispering and singing into the corners of a magic square in Grand Central Station;
the kindness of strangers, the acquisition of a timepiece, the 6 red metallic helium heart shaped balloons.

Here is getting onto the downtown 4 train with these 6 balloons. Here is them getting in the way of one man's head. Here is him telling a story of how the train couldn't take him where he wanted, and his frustration and acceptance. Here is giving him a balloon. Here is him suggesting that we give away the rest of the balloons. Here is giving them to the people who look like they want them, need them. Here is the man in a wheelchair asking for money, getting a red balloon, praising God, and saying "I love you." Here is saying "I love you" back with a touch on his arm.

Here is riding the subway with 6 scattered red balloons in the hands of strangers.

Here is chanting and eating with gratitude and love for God.

Here is prayers being answered whether you know it or not.

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